Learn the art of barbering from one of the best in the business.
We take our craft seriously and have a passion for teaching the art of classic barbering. The classic gentleman style will NEVER go away and we are now offering to teach our trade to the next generation of barbers.

Jared Hesse - Licensed Master Barber Teacher
Gentleman John's owner started barbering in 1995, and opened his first shop with a partner in 1999. He became a Licensed Master Barber Teacher in 2014 and has trained over 20 apprentice barbers.
Barbershop Training & Tutorials
Classic Barber Training
We will start offering intensive courses in the art of the American School of Classic Barbering in the Fall. Stay tuned for more information.
On-Demand Tutorials
In addition to our in-person classes, we will be offering on-demand video tutorials. Learn from the same great professionals at Gentleman John's Classic Barber Shop from the convenience of your own home.
Are You Interested In Training or 1:1 Consulting For Your Business?

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